Puppy Play and Foundations



Puppies 8-16 Weeks, Duration: 4 sessions, 50 min. per session
Tuition: $200

This class is for puppies 8-16 weeks of age. Maximum age for registration is 13 weeks. This is a sensitive period of learning for all puppies. The more positive experiences they have with dogs, people, and different environments, the more confident they will be in the future.  Join us for a fun, positive and Fear Free Class.

During our Puppy Play & Foundation sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to observe and learn from your puppy’s interactions as they safely engage in the following activities:

→ Meet new People & Meet other puppies. → Learn how to introduce tools (collar,harness & leash)
→ Practice dog to dog social skills. → Play or safely observe other puppies in play.
→ Build confidence. →Learn to inhibit their bite through play.
→ Experience novel objects, surfaces, and sounds → Learn body awareness and body handling

For class, you’ll need a 6ft leash, treats and a clicker.

First set of vaccines including DA2PP.

A note on socialization: There is a misconception in parts of the veterinary and training world that it’s safer to keep puppies away from other puppies and even outdoors until they are fully vaccinated, check out this article for more information.

Additional articles regarding Puppy Socialization:

An Investigation into the Impact of Pre-Adolescent Training on
Frequency of CPV infection in vaccinated puppies that attended.

Cited References:

The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior



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