Puppy Preschool



Puppies 8-16 Weeks, Duration: 4 sessions, 50 min. per session
Tuition: $200

This class is for puppies 8-16 weeks of age. Maximum age for registration is 13 weeks. Our Puppy Preschool takes learning to new heights by combining fun games and interactive sessions with your furry companion.

In this class, your puppy will have opportunities to start learning important basic cues and develop essential everyday skills, including how to focus on you around distractions like other dogs, people and more. More importantly, manners around other dogs and not jumping on people as well as how to calm down when excited. This class is also great for families who want to stay consistent and learn together. This is a great next step from Puppy Play and Foundation although you can jump right in if your puppy is old enough!

→ Intro to Clicker/Marker word → Focus
→ Nose Targeting → Name Recognition / Eye contact
→ Take it / Drop it → Leave it
→ Meet & greet
→ Meet w’/NO GREET! (Guiding them into meeting and greeting both dogs and humans, as well as learning appropriate behavior when not greeting).

For class, you’ll need a 6ft leash, treats and a clicker.

Out of the Bark requires First set of vaccines including DA2PP.



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